The Central Administration Department is the Secretariat of the Municipal Assembly and is responsible for the provision of
support services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the Assembly.
It is headed by a Coordinating Director / Deputy Director.
The Department manages all sections of the assembly including; Records, Estate, Transport, Logistics and Procurement, Accounts, Stores, Security and Human Resources.
The Department shall also coordinate the;
General administrative functions
Development planning and management functions
Budgeting functions
Rating functions
Planning and Development of the Municipal Assembly.
The MPCU is responsible for coordinating, monitoring preparation, implementation and appraisals of development plans and budgets of the Municipal Assembly, Decentralized Departments and Central Administration of the Assembly.
It comprises of the Municipal Planning, Municipal Budget preparation and, Monitoring and Evaluation sections. It is headed by the Municipal Co-ordinating Director.
This unit is responsible for the research activities and management information systems of the YKMA.
It is the data bank for information and consists of the Research and Management information systems and Information sections.
It is headed by the management information Systems Officer.
This is responsible for planning and conducting internal audit at the Assembly as well as coordinating the work of internal audit units in the Assembly in accordance with the Internal Audit Agency Act 2003 by using the standards, practices and principles set by the Internal Audit Agency.
The unit has a Director of Internal Audit and an Assistant Internal Auditor .